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Today's News

"You have no right to talk to an adult that way, let-alone a teacher..."

Past News

"You are a little shit!"

"We have had reports of students SMOKING downtown in Central"


"You have no right to talk to an adult that way, let-alone a teacher..."

This is a great quote from Mr. Irwin, it just underlines what teachers think of themselves relative to other people. Lets face it, teachers think they are Gods.

"You are a little shit!"

This is a nice quote from Mr. Bollockston oh I mean Bollington. hee hee hee

"We have had reports of students SMOKING downtown in Central"

This quote is from what I like to call a "Communal Bollocking" where Mr. Hardingham (you know the big tall smelly one) gave everyone in the school a bollocking for about 4 people having a fag in Cental! Please get a life Mr. Hardingham Island School students smoke everyday in school and out!